There is one specific kind of undiscerned spiritual pride that I think is not often discussed and is especially hard to recognize—the danger of doctrinal righteousness.


In recent years, a number of Reformed theologians have introduced the phrase ordinary means of grace to a forthcoming generation of ministers. The incorporation of this phase into the vocabulary of the church has been quite easily observable--especially in serious-minded Confessionally Reformed churches where it has become something of a Shibboleth of orthodox worship and missions. Nevetheless, few have set out, in summary form, the variations of its use in the history of the Church.


The Corinthians were resting and relying on their progress in faith and thought they had made it. They had spiritual pride. As a result, they had slipped into sin of their own (idolatry and sexual immorality, among other things). Paul pointed to Israel as an example, reminding them that Israel had the same spiritual benefits as the Corinthians did, yet they fell into sin (1 Corinthians 10:1-5). That's why he wrote, "Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall" (v. 12).


“I don’t remember if we’ve met before…” is a far more welcoming greeting than ignoring a person altogether. I have yet to hear anyone tell me they were greeted by too many church members on a Sunday morning when they visited a new church. Large or small, every church can implement some practical steps to make sure visitors know they are welcome...A short, awkward conversation is far more endearing than a cold shoulder.


Our toil under the sun is not fleeting when done in the context of life above the sun, life in the Son of God, for the glory of God.