February 2018

Trumping the Law of Liberty?


Smoking or nonsmoking, Democrat or Republican, Trump or never Trump, yoga or stretching? The crew is visiting some hot button issues today! Are Christians allowed to have differing opinions on these topics?

God’s Word neither commands nor prohibits smoking nor does it tell us what political party to vote for. But it does give us some guiding principles that allow us to use wisdom when making decisions. But what if a Christian brother has a different view than you?

The irony of this episode is that our hosts might have some different opinions about these issues too! Todd gives us three helpful questions to ask ourselves before we think that anything goes just because we are in Christ.

Listen to this fun, but very intense discussion on biblical principles and how the Apostle Paul, Aristotle, and the young Michael Allen can help us.

The Mortification of Spin Crew is no celebrity in any sense, but we’re giving away some fun posters signed by our hosts. You can sign up for a chance to win one!

Smoking or nonsmoking, Democrat or Republican, Trump or never Trump, yoga or stretching? The crew is visiting some hot button issues today! Are Christians allowed to have differing opinions on these topics?

God’s Word neither commands nor prohibits smoking nor does it tell us what political party to vote for. But it does give us some guiding principles that allow us to use wisdom when making decisions. But what if a Christian brother has a different view than you?

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

When Your Opinion Becomes Our Business


When should a church be concerned, or even discipline a member for his personal views on a given issue?

Todd, Carl, and Aimee weigh in on problematic personal views of church members. Their discussion is brought on by a PCA elder who holds pro-choice views running for public office. Are issues like abortion, racism, opposition to interracial marriage, a matter of concern to local churches and to denominations? The crew takes into account Christian non-negotiables and secondary issues, and who the persons holding the troubling views are: new believers in need of discipleship or an office bearer in the church? Listen to the connection between the Sixth Commandment, the Westminster Confession and Larger Catechism, the concept of personhood, and man as the image of God.

We’re pleased to give away a few copies of the book Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Ethics and the Beginning of Human Life by Megan Best, courtesy of Matthias Media. Please sign up for a chance to win! And while you are there, be sure to browse our store where you will find this title, also for purchase, and other books and audio from trustworthy authors and Alliance speakers.

When should a church be concerned, or even discipline a member for his personal views on a given issue?

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

The Confession of Our Faith


We’re honored to be talking with not one, but two Van Dixhoorns today. Chad Van Dixhoorn is a church history professor and pastor. He’s written a book entitled Confessing the Faith, a reader’s guide to the Westminster Confession of Faith. His wife Emily is a mother of five and among other things teaches women’s Bible studies. She’s written a study guide for Confessing the Faith. The two books are meant to introduce Christians with the Confession in an easy-to-read format.

What’s the purpose of a confession anyway? The Van Dixhoorns get right to it, emphasizing the richness of our historical heritage and the many ways we can profit from it.

Can a document written in the 17th century be pastorally helpful with the tricky ethical questions we struggle with? Does it mention in vitro fertilization, the legitimacy of some medical treatments, or gay marriage? Not directly, but it provides us with foundational principles to answer these questions. Pull up a chair and join us around the Van Dixhoorns kitchen table.

We’re giving away some copies of Confessing the Faith reader’s guide and Confessing the Faith study guide. The books are a generous gift from our friends at Banner of Truth. Please enter for a chance to win a copy. But if you don’t, please access our Reformed Resources to purchase one. It’s well worth it!

Show Notes

The Minutes and Papers of the Westminster Assembly (1643-1653) - Chad's work.

The Minutes and Papers of the Westminster Assembly (1643-1653) - Emily's multi-purpose use of Chad's work. 

God’s Ambassador: The Westminster Assembly and the Reformation of the English Pulpit (1643-1653)

We’re honored to be talking with not one, but two Van Dixhoorns today. Chad Van Dixhoorn is a church history professor and pastor. He’s written a book entitled Confessing the Faith, a reader’s guide to the Westminster Confession of Faith. His wife Emily is a mother of five and among other things teaches women’s Bible studies. She’s written a study guide for Confessing the Faith. The two books are meant to introduce Christians with the Confession in an easy-to-read format.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

Sticks and Stones


“Double-Crossing Mud-Muncher”

“Warthog-Faced Buffoon”

“Cotton-Headed Ninny Muggins”

Mortification of Spin is no stranger to insults. The crew share some of the best (and worst) insults received. Across the board, the quality of insults has sharply declined since Martin Luther. Social media is much to blame.

But we want to encourage you to keep trying! Do you know what it takes to write a good insult? Do you possess the necessary tools?

Now serious though, the Internet has enabled us to type things that we’d never have the courage to say face-to-face. Should we then avoid online disagreements? What about name-calling? Tune in to find out how Aimee became the head of the FOM, about Todd’s elitism, and the way of dying that Carl fears the most.

We have a several copies of "Housewife Theologian - How the Gospel Interrupts the Ordinary" by Aimee Byrd of P&R that we are giving away. Enter for your chance to win.

“Double-Crossing Mud-Muncher”

“Warthog-Faced Buffoon”

“Cotton-Headed Ninny Muggins”

Mortification of Spin is no stranger to insults. The crew share some of the best (and worst) insults received. Across the board, the quality of insults has sharply declined since Martin Luther. Social media is much to blame.

But we want to encourage you to keep trying! Do you know what it takes to write a good insult? Do you possess the necessary tools?

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.