May 2018

Shining BRITE


Sean Morris checks in. He’s the academic dean of BRITE: the Blue Ridge Institute for Theological Education. How valuable is having a biblical institute in your backyard when you can’t leave everything behind to pursue a traditional seminary education elsewhere? Sean discusses the cooperative effort of local churches, mentorship versus traditional seminary model, the advantages of in-classroom education, and more. From pastors to lay men and women leading small groups and bible studies, BRITE is for everyone!

Sean Morris checks in. He’s the academic dean of BRITE: the Blue Ridge Institute for Theological Education. How valuable is having a biblical institute in your backyard when you can’t leave everything behind to pursue a traditional seminary education elsewhere? Sean discusses the cooperative effort of local churches, mentorship versus traditional seminary model, the advantages of in-classroom education, and more. From pastors to lay men and women leading small groups and bible studies, BRITE is for everyone!

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

Polity 2.5


The relationship between pastors, elders, and deacons impacts the church, and the results can be nurturing or divisive.

The crew chats about the function of each church office, and what those office holders can do to encourage one another, and thus maintain and improve the health of the local body.

Todd, Carl, and Aimee discuss whether personalities should be considered when choosing men to serve, and just what can go right…or wrong!

From past horror stories to present leadership bliss, the team offers helpful advice. Pull up a chair and join in! However, be advised: Carl’s been sharpening his rhetorical sword, and he’s ready to pounce!

Thanks to our friends at P&R, we’re giving away copies of The Elder and His Work by David Dickson. Please sign up for the opportunity to win.

The relationship between pastors, elders, and deacons impacts the church, and the results can be nurturing or divisive.

The crew chats about the function of each church office, and what those office holders can do to encourage one another, and thus maintain and improve the health of the local body.

Todd, Carl, and Aimee discuss whether personalities should be considered when choosing men to serve, and just what can go right…or wrong!

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

Walking Through Twilight


Douglas Groothuis joins the conversation. He’s professor of philosophy at Denver Seminary and has recently written a very personal book titled Walking through Twilight - A Wife’s Illness, A Philosopher’s Lament.

Groothuis reflects on his role as his wife's primary caregiver. He shares with us his personal suffering and life’s dynamics in light of her illness, the ministry of the body of Christ, and how God is glorified through it all.

How does one lament biblically? What are some practical ways in which the local church can minister to and help the suffering brother or sister? This topic is one that many of us have or will face one day. Listen closely and learn about lamentation from the tender heart of a philosopher.

Please sign up for the opportunity to win a free copy of Walking Through Twilight - A Wife’s Illness, A Philosopher’s Lament. The books are a generous gift from our friends at IVP Books.

Douglas Groothuis joins the conversation. He’s professor of philosophy at Denver Seminary and has recently written a very personal book titled Walking through Twilight - A Wife’s Illness, A Philosopher’s Lament.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

My Name is Legion


The crew heads over to Georgetown in Washington, DC where Carl claims ownership of two of The Exorcist steps. As they contemplate the site, they know demonic activity can be a controversial subject for Christians. Among them two different kinds of people stand out: the deniers and the enthusiasts.

Do demons still exist? If so, is it common to see them possessing people? What can we affirm from Scripture about demonic activity at the present time? Todd probably has had some experience with it!

It’s important to consider how we relate to the supernatural. To understand how much power and influence demons can really have over people, and how principalities and powers can act differently from place to place. I dare you to join this conversation.

We’re giving away copies of Spiritual Warfare: A Biblical and Balanced Perspective by Borgman and Ventura. The copies are a courtesy of Reformation Heritage Books.

The crew heads over to Georgetown in Washington, DC where Carl claims ownership of two of The Exorcist steps. As they contemplate the site, they know demonic activity can be a controversial subject for Christians. Among them two different kinds of people stand out: the deniers and the enthusiasts.

Do demons still exist? If so, is it common to see them possessing people? What can we affirm from Scripture about demonic activity at the present time? Todd probably has had some experience with it!

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

Carl Goes West


Another Brexit. This time it’s a local one, in much smaller proportions, but of no less importance. Carl packs up his memorabilia of 17 years living in the Philadelphia area and teaching at Westminster Theological Seminary. He’ll soon be moving and starting a new job in western Pennsylvania.

Todd and Aimee are not worthy to be in the presence of the renowned Carl Trueman, but they do get a chance to ask him a few questions on behalf of all speculators out there!

Why the choice to teach undergrads? Why this institution? What classes will he teach, and what other responsibilities will he have? You’re about to get the full scope!

Carl’s greatest concern is that he’ll be hugged on campus for being the new kid on the block, but he’s also very excited about the days ahead - which is very unusual for an Englishman like him.

We too think this will be a good fit!

Better than Carl’s new well fitting job, it’s the book we’re giving away. Sign up for a chance to win a copy of Thriving at College: Make Great Friends, Keep Your Faith, and Get Ready for the Real World!, a gift from Tyndale House Publisher.

Another Brexit. This time it’s a local one, in much smaller proportions, but of no less importance. Carl packs up his memorabilia of 17 years living in the Philadelphia area and teaching at Westminster Theological Seminary. He’ll soon be moving and starting a new job in western Pennsylvania.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.