July 2018

Greater than the Eye Can See


The crew is stoked that Daniel Hyde has agreed to take them on dawn patrol to teach them some rad surf moves. After multiple failed attempts to simply keep the bennys on deck, they take a break to talk about Danny’s favorite hair gel and his book, In Living Color: Images of Christ and the Means of Grace, a timeless take on the Second Commandment.

How has the Second Commandment been applied historically and in what ways can it be violated? Why does it all matter? Pastor Danny uses the Heidelberg Catechism to address the heart issue, but--above all--he emphasizes the positive aspect of the visible elements that Christ has given us. So, grab your board and join our party wave.

The crew is stoked that Daniel Hyde has agreed to take them on dawn patrol to teach them some rad surf moves.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

Let Them Worship!


Our topic du jour is considered from both the housewife and the pastors’ perspectives.

The trend of dividing congregations by age groups and removing children from corporate worship started a few decades ago, and it has shaped the practice of many churches to this day. But is this trend a biblical model? What are the benefits of having our children present in the corporate worship?

The crew tell us what their churches are doing to engage little ones during the service, and offer some tips for helping kids get the most out of family worship.

Our topic du jour is considered from both the housewife and the pastors’ perspectives.

The trend of dividing congregations by age groups and removing children from corporate worship started a few decades ago, and it has shaped the practice of many churches to this day. But is this trend a biblical model? What are the benefits of having our children present in the corporate worship?

The crew tell us what their churches are doing to engage little ones during the service, and offer some tips for helping kids get the most out of family worship.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

Defender of the Weak


Reports of sexual abuse are now commonplace in the media and those claims originate in diverse places, from Hollywood to the sacred confines of the neighborhood church.

Our compassionate crew welcomes Thomas Crumplar. He’s a soft-spoken OPC elder who turns tenacious attorney when defending victims of sexual abuse. Tom has prosecuted and won cases against powerful individuals and institutions, including the Roman Catholic diocese of Wilmington, DE.

Crumplar covers the ground of what constitutes sexual abuse and the first steps leaders must take when they receive a report of sexual abuse. He describes the common victim stereotype, feelings of guilt, the legal process, and much more. There is hope to be found amid the suffering and loss. 

Reports of sexual abuse are now commonplace in the media and those claims originate in diverse places, from Hollywood to the sacred confines of the neighborhood church.

Our compassionate crew welcomes Thomas Crumplar. He’s a soft-spoken OPC elder who turns tenacious attorney when defending victims of sexual abuse. Tom has prosecuted and won cases against powerful individuals and institutions, including the Roman Catholic diocese of Wilmington, DE.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

Why Can't We Be Friends?


The three amigos gather for Carl’s send-off, as he’s about to move west. Before Carl departs, Aimee offers some helpful tips on how to make new friends. In fact, she has recently written Why Can’t We Be Friends? Aimee’s latest opus addresses friendship between the sexes from a biblical worldview.

The intrepid trio discusses the Pence Rule, biblical anthropology, sibling relationships in light of eternity, the exercise of discernment, and more. It’s the When Harry Met Sally dilemma: Can men and women really be friends?


The three amigos gather for Carl’s send-off, as he’s about to move west. Before Carl departs, Aimee offers some helpful tips on how to make new friends. In fact, she has recently written Why Can’t We Be Friends? Aimee’s latest opus addresses friendship between the sexes from a biblical worldview.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.