January 2019



Back in the bunker, the three amigos meet with Julie Roys. Julie is the embodied combination of Sherlock Holmes and Lois Lane. She’s a longtime investigative reporter committed to uncovering the truth, and—much like Carl, Todd, and Aimee—interested in “mortifying the spin” concerning issues in the contemporary church.

Julie has achieved some notoriety for her investigative work and her latest coverage on the alleged spiritual abuse, intimidation, misappropriation of funds, etc. surrounding Harvest Bible Chapel and Pastor James MacDonald. Unfortunately, this isn’t a unique case. The fabulous four discuss the devastating effects on the Church when disqualified men remain in leadership without being confronted, and the shame it brings to the name of Christ. Join us!

Back in the bunker, the three amigos meet with Julie Roys. Julie is the embodied combination of Sherlock Holmes and Lois Lane. She’s a longtime investigative reporter committed to uncovering the truth, and—much like Carl, Todd, and Aimee—interested in “mortifying the spin” concerning issues in the contemporary church.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

Mea Culpa?

What do you do when you make a mistake that affects, perhaps, over a million people in their youth; an error that would cause many to regret their decisions more than 20 years later?
The crew grabs some popcorn to watch and discuss Joshua Harris’ documentary, I Survived “I Kissed Dating Goodbye”. The intrepid trio is ready to comment on the “Purity Culture”, those responsible for its proliferation, and its long-term ramifications. Along the way, our heroes offer insight on the cultivation of virtue and morality, and alternative means to correct our errors. Grab a snack and buckle in!

What do you do when you make a mistake that affects, perhaps, over a million people in their youth; an error that would cause many to regret their decisions more than 20 years later?

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

Easy Like Sunday Morning


Some churches are taking a break from worship on the Lord’s Day, and the crew brings the topic under the spotlight. A sound, biblical doctrine of worship, and of the means of grace, are essential to the understanding of why God’s people gather on the Lord’s Day. It’s how we recognize and appreciate the benefits we receive from the Lord through the preaching of His word, through the Lord’s supper, the fellowship of the believers, and more.

Of course, there are some inevitable and unexpected events that might compel a small church to cancel a service. But, can the same events provide the reason for a church of hundreds, or even thousands, to call off the assembly? Don’t miss this important discussion of the Sabbath!

Some churches are taking a break from worship on the Lord’s Day, and the crew brings the topic under the spotlight. A sound, biblical doctrine of worship, and of the means of grace, are essential to the understanding of why God’s people gather on the Lord’s Day. It’s how we recognize and appreciate the benefits we receive from the Lord through the preaching of His word, through the Lord’s supper, the fellowship of the believers, and more.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

Mission (Im)possible


Listener Sam has called upon the crew to address missions, in light of the terribly sad death of missionary John Chau in the North Sentinel Island. The topic has stirred up strong emotions and opinions about missions in the media; it has even compelled Todd to resume Tweeting.

The death of Mr. Chau has been compared to Jim Elliot’s, but the crew disagrees, and is willing to explain why. General preparedness, and the ability to handle Scripture, begs the question whether missionaries need to be ordained ministers. Carl offers some thoughts on that, and on the disadvantage of solo missionaries (making a case for missions teams), while conceding to Aimee that women are fundamental for missions work.

Who’s responsible to prepare missionaries - the denomination, or missions agencies? You’re about to witness what transpires when Todd works hard not to offend people, but Carl incites him to action nonetheless!

Listener Sam has called upon the crew to address missions, in light of the terribly sad death of missionary John Chau in the North Sentinel Island. The topic has stirred up strong emotions and opinions about missions in the media; it has even compelled Todd to resume Tweeting.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.



Is “out with the old, in with the new” something you can do with parts of the Bible? The crew takes a look at a statement made by Andy Stanley, suggesting that Christians “unhitch” the Old Testament from their faith. Meanwhile, Carl digs into his historical archives and pulls a file of someone who made the same statement some 1,850 years ago.

Imagine what Paul and the apostles would have had left if they had “unhitched” from the Old Testament and the Jewish historical tradition; what would Jesus have been talking about with the men on the road to Emmaus if He had done the same?

Can we completely ditch the Ten Commandments, and affirm that Jesus gave only one command: to love one another? Listen in to hear how Stanley’s statements play out when the whole counsel of the Bible is considered.

Is “out with the old, in with the new” something you can do with parts of the Bible? The crew takes a look at a statement made by Andy Stanley, suggesting that Christians “unhitch” the Old Testament from their faith. Meanwhile, Carl digs into his historical archives and pulls a file of someone who made the same statement some 1,850 years ago.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.