October 2019

Teens, Young Adults, and Sexuality


David Ayers, Provost of Grove City College and professor of Sociology, is still Carl’s boss…and, he’s back in the bunker. 

David has recently done research on the sexual habits of evangelical teenagers and young adults, and he’s reporting some disturbing findings. What do these sexual behaviors tell us about the church? David raises the concern that the church is failing to explicitly teach young people the connection between marriage and sex, and what it represents biblically. Not just that, but a loss of parental authority in teaching about sexuality is indicated when parents lack commitment to the church. Join us for this timely conversation!

Disclaimer: For the purposes of this interview, David Ayers does not speak on behalf of Grove City College. All views contained in this program reflect the personal opinions of its hosts and guest.

David Ayers, Provost of Grove City College and professor of Sociology, is still Carl’s boss…and, he’s back in the bunker. 

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

The Prodigal Child

One prodigal host has wandered off, so the other two discuss the many questions surrounding today’s topic. What is a prodigal child? Is every child that’s struggling with sin or indifferent to the Gospel a prodigal? Should parents take full blame for children who walk away from the faith, or—conversely—take credit for a good outcome because they “raised ‘em right”? 
Todd and Aimee talk about the promises of God (as in Proverbs 22:6), the God-given responsibility of parents, and the role of the covenant community in assisting parents to raise covenant children in the most ordinary but loving ways.
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One prodigal host has wandered off, so the other two discuss the many questions surrounding today’s topic. What is a prodigal child? Is every child that’s struggling with sin or indifferent to the Gospel a prodigal? Should parents take full blame for children who walk away from the faith, or—conversely—take credit for a good outcome because they “raised ‘em right”? 

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

Beyond Authority and Submission


Carl, Todd, and Aimee are joined by Rachel Green Miller. She writes for the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, and has a blog of her own. Rachel has recently published her first book, titled Beyond Authority and Submission: Women and Men in Marriage, Church, and Society. Rachel conducted several years of research into the history of women in different eras, and—in the book—compares and contrasts those findings with the biblical perspective of men and women in marriage and society.

Rachel makes the case that, throughout history, Christianity has responded to the secular view of women. But, were there times when those responses were excessive, therefore distorting the biblical view of manhood and womanhood? Should we be constantly preoccupied with who owns or wields the power in any type of relationship between the sexes? Join us for intriguing conversation about this hot topic! 

Carl, Todd, and Aimee are joined by Rachel Green Miller. She writes for the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, and has a blog of her own. Rachel has recently published her first book, titled Beyond Authority and Submission: Women and Men in Marriage, Church, and Society. Rachel conducted several years of research into the history of women in different eras, and—in the book—compares and contrasts those findings with the biblical perspective of men and women in marriage and society.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

What Does it Mean to be Reformed?


A listener asks "the famous Carl Trueman" what “to be Reformed” really means, as Aimee and Todd play the mediators.

The term “Reformed” is full of meaning, but many times it’s reduced to simply mean holding to the five points of Calvinism or merely ascribing to a predestinarian theology. What does it mean to be Reformed, and—conversely—what does it not mean? What bearing does the 16th and 17th-century church have on this word today, and what other factors make one’s faith practice truly Reformed? Does Reformed theology necessitate Reformed liturgy? How do you know you just walked into a Reformed church? The famous Dr. Trueman answers it all.


A listener asks "the famous Carl Trueman" what “to be Reformed” really means, as Aimee and Todd play the mediators.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

Here Comes the Worship Cop!


We enjoy a pleasant visit with Terry Johnson. He’s the senior minister of Independent Presbyterian Church in Savannah, GA, where he’s been serving since 1987. Eons ago, Terry had planned on teaching a 10-part series on the attributes of God…which turned into 82, as he immersed himself in the greatest classical literature on the doctrine of God. Such preparation and teaching has not only blessed his congregation, it has deeply inspired, challenged, and enriched Terry’s personal life, resulting in his latest book: The Identity and Attributes of God, published by Banner of Truth.

Join us and discover how the immutability and impassibility of God have implications for, and practical impact on, everything that we believe. 

We enjoy a pleasant visit with Terry Johnson. He’s the senior minister of Independent Presbyterian Church in Savannah, GA, where he’s been serving since 1987. Eons ago, Terry had planned on teaching a 10-part series on the attributes of God…which turned into 82, as he immersed himself in the greatest classical literature on the doctrine of God.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.