Levy just does not get it

Levy's post on presidential ministries just doesn't understand how things work over here.  Nor does the minister who, in the light of the week's events, sent this to me:

I'm preparing for this Lord's Day morning at the moment ... Luke 9:46-56 ... Part of which is about the disciples arguing who was the greatest.  Jesus' object lesson of "receiving the child" is a powerful rebuke to all of us if we ever pursue "pastoral greatness" at the expense of the children or the helpless in general -- those who do not increase our social rank in the evangelical world.  I find it interesting, in light of this passage, how much of the contemporary movement is focused on 19-35 year olds - similar demographics as the GAP and other trendy companies. Jesus reverses greatness in the kingdom, doesn't he.  To be great is to be the least.  A rebuke to us all ... but clearly to the pastors making rock videos of themselves.

These people need to realise that, in the current context, if you come preaching a message which doesn't draw attention to yourself, doesn't make your name a brand, doesn't pull in huge crowds and doesn't bring in the big money, there's only one thing that they will do to you..

They will crucify you.