What About Tongues?

What About Tongues?                                          

James Boice

Format: Booklet, PDF
Price:  $2.99
Pages: 16
Publication date: 1976 / 2018
Topic: Holy Spirit


"What are we to think of the tongues phenomena? Is it of God? Of the devil? Or is it merely self-induced by those who claim to have had the experience? If it is not of God, what shall we do about it? If it is, what should be its place within the life and experience of the Christian and Christian churches?"

Whatever our answer, it should come from the Scriptures themselves. Focusing in on what Paul has to say in 1 Corinthians, James Boice lays out what the Bible says about tongues, and how we ought to respond. 


James Boice 

James Montgomery Boice (1938-2000) was a successful inner city pastor and articulate spokesman for the Reformed faith in America and around the world.  He was the pastor of Philadelphia’s historic Tenth Presbyterian Church (1968-2000) and his teaching continues to be aired on The Bible Study Hour radio and Internet broadcast.   In 1996 he brought The Bible Study Hour, God’s Word Today magazine, Philadelphia Conference of Reformation Theology, and other Bible teaching ministries under the umbrella of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals. His fifty-plus books include an award-winning, four-volume series on Romans, Foundations of the Christian Faith, commentaries on Genesis, Matthew, and several other Old and New Testament books. The Bible Study Hour is always available at TheBibleStudyHour.org.


Reformation 21