Following Jesus 76

What is Discipleship?  The Mission of the Church involves worship, evangelism, ministry and discipleship. “… Teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” Matthew 28:20a. Discipleship is a divine commission.
What is Discipleship? It is the evidence and the disciplines that one is indeed a disciple of Jesus Christ. Discipleship is living a disciplined life to the glory and honor of God. A disciple is a follower; a pupil; one devoted to his teacher. I.e. Jesus Christ.  Discipleship is living a devoted life for the glory and honor of God; the One who we follow.
“Discipleship is the diligent and intentional (daily and committed) communication (contact: reading and thinking and even praying) about the teachings of Jesus Christ found in the Scriptures… 
What are the fundamentals of discipleship? What are the basics, or the essentials in discipleship? Matthew 28:20a gives the follower of Jesus two basic components to discipleship. The first is teaching. “… Teaching them…” 
Teaching (Διδάσκοντες) is the responsibility of those who make disciples. Teaching means to provide instruction in a formal and informal setting. The gospels contain many references to Jesus’ teaching or discipleship ministry.
To impart (communicate; tell; instruct) and receive (accept; get; hear and understand; grasp) instruction (training; coaching; tutoring). Discipleship also means to introduce, instruct and teach the teachings or doctrine of God’s Word into one’s mind, emotions and will. This may be done by Sunday school teachers, youth leaders or a youth pastor.
This may be done by a parent or a friend. This must be done by a pastor.
Those who disciple are those who explain the truth of God. 

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