Seen & Heard Archives
Thank You for Your Support on Giving Tuesday

Thank you for your commitment to God’s inerrant Word and for helping to make the Alliance Giving Tuesday event a success. You raised $46,760 in 24 hours!
I’m sure your inbox and social media platforms were filled with messages from many worthy ministries and causes seeking your support. It means a lot to our staff that you thought of the Alliance on Tuesday.
Alliance broadcasts, events, and publishing are possible because of your generosity. You are strengthening and advancing a voice for God's inerrant word at this crucial time in the Church and the culture.
Continue...Colossians: The Glory of Christ

The Quakertown Conference on Reformed Theology, November 8-9, 2024, will devote this year’s conference to an in-depth study of Colossians with speakers Brandon Crowe, Richard Phillips, and Derek Thomas. Find out more and register at
Continue...A Confident Canon: Identifying the Word of God

Join us September 27-28 at Greenbelt Baptist Church in Greenbelt, MD, as we explore how Christians have recognized and identified what is and what is not Holy Scripture at the 2024 Prince George's Conference on Reformed Theology, A Confident Canon: Identifying the Word of God.
Continue...Listen to Eric Alexander on the Book of Revelation

Listen to Eric Alexander on the Book of Revelation beginning July 18 on the Hear the Word of God Podcast.