A King Like No Other from The Christward Collective
A King Like No Other By Tim Brister
" Jesus is still on His throne. Jesus still hears the earnest prayers of His church. Whether in death or deliverance. Jesus will be glorified as sovereign King of a people who gladly put His worth on display through suffering for the sake of His name. Indeed, we have a King like no other... " The Christward Collective contributor, Tim Brister, covers the sovereignty of Christ. He sits on the thrones, He hears us, and He answers us.
Also new from ChristwardCollective.org:
The Hardest Week - Nick Batzig talks about Christ's hardest week and how He pressed through it for our redemption.
The Second Commandment, Westminster and Images of Jesus - Brian Cosby covers the controversial issue of images of Jesus.
Every Pastor Needs a Theology Coach - Joe Thorn shares how every pastor still needs "coaching."
And recent winners of Alliance drawings include:
Joy Beyond Agony by Jane Roach:
William H, Ft Worth TX
Eric C, Bloomington IN
Claudie S, El Paso TX
Tianna M, Oostburg WI
Carolyn T, Richfield MN
Joy J, Evansville IN
Cindy C, Leawood KS
Happy Christian by David Murray:
Jeff C, Blaine WA
Charles B, Baltimore MD
Bob P, Stowe PA
George W, Greenwood MS
Robert P, Norwood MA
Text Links:
Tim Brister - www.christwardcollective.org%2Fchristward%2Fa-king-like-no-other%23.VSvemfnF9lQ
Nick Batzig - www.christwardcollective.org%2Fchristward%2Fthe-hardest-week%23.VS0oOvnF9lQ
Brian Cosby - www.christwardcollective.org%2Fchristward%2Fthe-second-commandment-westminster-and-images-of-jesus%23.VSaRK_nF9lQ
Joe Thorn - www.christwardcollective.org/christward/every-pastor-needs-a-theology-coach#.VTaf_s64m-o
Joy Beyond Agony - http://reformedresources.org/books/joy-beyond-agony-embracing-the-cross-of-christ/
Happy Christian - http://reformedresources.org/david-murray-books/the-happy-christian/