Calvin's Institutes for 2019
"For, until men feel that they owe everything to God, that they are cherished by his paternal care, and that he is the author of all their blessings, so that nought is to be looked for away from him, they will never submit to him in voluntary obedience; nay, unless they place their entire happiness in him, they will never yield up their whole selves to him in truth and sincerity." — Institutes, I.2.1
Few have explained the Christian faith as clearly, vividly, and faithfully as John Calvin in his Institutes of the Christian Religion. For centuries, readers have turned to the Institutes in order to better understand God's Word and its implications for the Christian life. "But when will I have time to read it?" Such a mammoth tome can seem intimidating, preventing many from us from ever taking it up in the first place.
For this reason, the Alliance is pleased to offer a free, year-long reading schedule. Keyed to Calvin's 1559 edition, this schedule will keep you on-track as you delve into the treasury of Calvin's thought. May you be blessed in the coming year as you study to the glory of God!