On Friday your support of the Alliance can go even further!
On Friday, November 17th the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is participating in a special day of extraordinary giving. Visit ExtraGive.org, make a donation to the Alliance, and for every dollar you donate Alliance donors are matching up to $25,000, dollar per dollar. In addition, the Lancaster Foundation and their presenting sponsors will stretch your gift even further with their $500,000 stretch pool.
The world needs a strong voice of sound doctrine. Through your gift to the Alliance you will share the Gospel, proclaim biblical doctrine, engage the culture, and equip the church via this web site, as well as through our broadcasts and events.
Since first joining the Extraordinary Give in 2014, donors like you have yielded tremendous growth. In 2016 an extraordinary $41,860 was raised! This year your participation can more than double your impact.
Please prayerfully consider partnering with us during the ExtraOrdinary Give.