Pentecost and the Work of the Spirit Today

Have you ever wondered what happened on Pentecost? What are the implications of what took place on Pentecost for the church today? What expectations ought Christians to have for the work of the Holy Spirit in their own lives and the lives of others? Christians today continue to be divided, sometimes deeply, over the answers to these questions.

In May the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals held its annual B.B. Warfield Memorial Lecture Series in Oklahoma City, OK. Richard Gaffin, professor emeritus of Biblical and Systematic Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, spoke on Pentecost and the Work of the Spirit Today. For those of you that weren't able to join us we have the audio available. This set is a great gift or study aid for those wanting to learn more about the Holy Spirit and His role in the Christian's life.

The 3 messages of Pentecost and the Work of the Spirit Today include:

  • "Pentecost and the Bible"
  • "Pentecost and the Gifts of the Spirit"
  • "Pentecost and the Intercession of the Spirit"

Purchase your set today!

3 messages on 3 CDs: $18 

3 MP3 messages on 1 CD: $4 


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