Rick Phillips's Revelation Commentary - Top 10!
Rick Phillips's Revelation commentary is one of the Top 10 commentaries of 2017! And while we are not all preaching week in and week out, we know Rev. Phillips is a wonderful Bible teacher and any serious student of the Word would do well having this volume.
Ray Van Neste writes in the winter 2018 issue of Preaching Magazine, “Richard Phillips opens his Revelation (P&R) with a hearty preface extolling the contemporary value of this often misunderstood and misused, and therefore frequently avoided, book. Anyone preaching this book would do well to read the preface and first chapter, at least. You could think of this commentary as sermonic renditions of Greg Beale’s magisterial commentary. Phillips follows Beale’s basic trajectory and does solid exegesis and application for the church.”
Sam Storms from Enjoying God Ministries also included it in his top 10 writing, “As I’m preaching through the book of Revelation, I couldn’t help but mention a new commentary on the Apocalypse that is extremely good. Richard D. Phillips has written Revelation in the Reformed Expository Commentary series (P & R Publishing). You don’t need to read Greek to profit from this excellent treatment of Revelation. You only need perseverance, as it comes in at a weighty 764 pages! Of course, it helps to know that I completely agree with Phillip’s amillennial perspective! If you want to go deeper in Revelation, whether in personal Bible study or in teaching the book, Phillips is the book for you.”
You can get your copy while supporting the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals by ordering at ReformedResource.org!
Publisher: P&R Publishing
Publication Date: August 2017