Should We Equate Homosexual and Heterosexual Sin?

None of us want to provoke a needless offense or erect avoidable barriers when it comes to our gospel outreach to gays. At the same time, our duty to God requires us to be biblically accurate and to avoid giving false encouragement. Are there some ways in which homosexual and heterosexual sin are not the same? How does scripture categorize these sins? contributor Rick Phillips discusses these issues in his article Should We Equate Homosexual and Heterosexual SinRead on...

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Public Confession: A Mirror or a Portal? by Blair Smith

A poignant scene unfolds in Whit Stillman's remarkable debut film Metropolitan about a group of young people in New York City living on the cusp of a new social age. The scene presents the main characters playing a game called 'Truth', set up for participants to answer unpredictable questions with “absolute honesty and openness" Continue…

Vos, True Religion and General Assembly by Carlton Wynne

Geerhardus Vos has been called the "father of Reformed biblical theology." As many readers are aware, he is known for investigating and displaying the organically integrated and historically unfolded character of biblical revelation. In fact, the Bible was, for him, best understood as the revelatory record of "the history of special revelation," all centered upon God's accomplishment of redemption for his people, with the work of the incarnate Christ at its core. Read more…

Adam, Where Are You? by Mark Jones

Peter Enns blogged this, where he essentially states that church history is not relevant on human origins. Naturally, his views are.

Besides the Apostles and Jesus, theologians and pastors over the course of church history have gotten things wrong, according to Enns. That the history of the church shows a belief in a literal Adam is "irrelevant", says Enns, mainly because recent scientific advancements invalidate the teaching of the church. To say so, argues Enns, "is not a dismissal of the study of church history, historical theology, etc., but to put them in their place." Continue… 

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