Seen & Heard Archives

Thank You for Providing a Place to Stand

Because of you, Alliance pastors and scholars provide a wealth of resources. Like you, they know that culture seeks to chip away at the Bible's authority. And with your help, they labor on reformation21, Place for Truth, The Christward Collective, and Mortification of Spin to uphold Scripture's inerrancy and equip Christians to do the same.

11/05/2015 - 6:29pm

Download Your FREE Expositor.FM App now!

We live in a time where there is a famine for biblically sound teaching. The result of this famine is truth-starved Christians. Thanks to gracious members, the Alliance works diligently to help feed God's people with His inerrant Word. We are pleased to share a new, easy to use source of biblically sound teaching!

10/29/2015 - 7:42pm

Why Everything Matters

Ecclesiastes is a book rich in literary artistry and multi-layered depths of spiritual meaning. In his new book Why Everything Matters: The Gospel in Ecclesiastes, Philip Ryken, Bible teacher on weekly broadcast Every Last Word, explores this wonderful Old Testament book and reminds us again of the need to trust God with the questions even when we do not have all the answers. Sign up today to be in a drawing to receive a copy. 

10/27/2015 - 6:32pm

Reformation Sunday

The Alliance has free Reformation Sunday materials available for you. Visit, there you will find a free MP3 download entitled “Sola Scriptura” a message by James Boice and Semper Reformanda: Why the Reformation Still Matters, a booklet featuring articles by Alliance Contributors Craig Troxel, Gene Veith, Nick Batzig, David Murray, and David Wells. 

10/22/2015 - 5:18pm

Semper Reformanda: Why the Reformation Still Matters

"The indulgent God has done nothing good for the Church. It is time to return to the biblical God. But this is meaningless unless we start where Scripture starts.” 

10/13/2015 - 11:50pm