In Paul’s letter to the Church at Corinth, he says some things that seem to be contradictions. In one place he tells them they are very good and in other places speaks to them sternly about some terrible sins they had committed. Let us read together 1 Corinthians 1:4-8. Those words sound like a picture of some Christians who are just about perfect, don’t they? But look at verse 11. There Paul says he has heard that there are "contentions”—and that means fights—among them. Christians who are doing God's will do not fight among themselves. Then look at chapter 3:3.

Our assurance of salvation does not depend upon what we are or what we have done, but upon what Christ is and what He has done. As soon as we understand that fact we will not be afraid to step out on the promises of God.

If you knew someone who simply couldn't tell a lie, you would always believe that persons word, wouldn’t you? You do know Someone like that—but there is only One like that in the universe. God cannot lie. He cannot even make a mistake (Read Titus 1:2).

If I should ask you, “Are you alive?” you would not answer, “I guess so” would you? You would know surely that you were living. There are some things that it is foolish to be in doubt about. It is one of these things that we are going to talk about today, and yet there are many people who are not sure about it. Perhaps you are not sure yourself, but when we finish the lesson, you will be.

I once heard a man say, "I am just as sure that I am going to be in Heaven as I am sure Christ is going to be there.” I thought the man must be either very good, or very proud. But then, as I came to know the Bible I learned that he had no goodness in himself and that he was not a proud man. He knew God and He knew the Bible, therefore, he could not say anything else than that he was as sure he would be in Heaven as he was sure Christ would be there.