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Seen & Heard

Listen to Eric Alexander on the Book of Revelation

On July 18 the Alliance began airing Eric Alexander's sermons on the Book of Revelation on the Hear the Word of God Podcast.

Of all the books of the Bible, the Book of Revelation has received diverse attention from the Christian world. In this rich study, Rev. Alexander proclaims the kingdom of God here now and yet to come in its fullness. God has opened a door into heaven in this book, providing a vision of the exalted King of kings on His throne. There is nothing we need more.

Today, and in every generation, people long for the rest found in Christ. The opportunity we have to share this Good News through podcasts is significant. Now people all over the world can access Eric’s rich, God-glorifying teaching through this podcast. Be sure to subscribe! It's available wherever you listen to podcasts. Visit for more information.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

Living in an Anti-Christian World

A shift has taken place in recent years—as Christians, we find ourselves suddenly living not merely in a world that is indifferent to the Gospel but one that is distinctively anti-Christian. Christian beliefs are often regarded in the West as immoral and dangerous. This situation is nothing new to the Church, but it does call Christians to consider our need for courage and conviction while living in a culture that finds us socially unacceptable. 

On June 28 and 29, the Alliance will premiere the plenary sessions from the 2024 Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology, Living in an Anti-Christian World. Peter Jones uncovers the subtle yet profound influence of Marxism in America and contrasts this with the Christian worldview of God as both Creator and Redeemer in his two messages. Aaron Renn, a first-time speaker at the PCRT,  explores "The Three Worlds of Evangelicalism" and how we can strengthen the Church in this anti-Christian age. Richard Phillips bookends the PCRT with messages that tackle the challenges Christians face in a society that often stands in opposition to their beliefs, offering encouragement to us as sojourners in a world that is not our home.

Carve out some time this weekend or later to watch these timely sessions. Visit for links and more information.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

Are you attending PCA-GA?

If you are attending the PCA General Assembly June 10-14 in Richmond, VA, be sure to stop by Booth 416 to say hi. I will be there giving away copies of I Have a Confession: The What and Why of the Westminster Confession of Faith by pastor and Place for Truth contributor Nathan Eshelman

Working to encourage, embolden, and equip ministers and other church leaders, the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is a coalition of believers who hold to the historic creeds and confessions of the Reformed faith and proclaim biblical doctrine in order to foster a Reformed awakening in today’s Church. Is your church longing to equip its members in this way? When you stop by the booth, ask how you can join with believers worldwide by becoming a member of the Alliance.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

Download the Broadcast Apps

Download the free apps for The Bible Study Hour and Dr. Barnhouse & the Bible for clear biblical teaching from Drs. Boice and Barnhouse anytime, anywhere on Apple and Android devices. 

Create an account to unlock featured messages. The current featured messages through June 30th are:

The Bible Study Hour — Let Him Hear and King of Kings (Revelation), Developing a Christian Mind

Dr. Barnhouse & the Bible — Nothing Can Separate Us, Making God’s Word Plain

President Circle and Friends of the Alliance supporting The Bible Study Hour or Dr. Barnhouse & the Bible can access the complete sermon library in the apps.

Go to to download and find out more.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

Two Cities, Two Loves: Christian Responsibility in a Crumbling Culture

Christians belong to God’s kingdom but live in earthly realms that celebrate radically different loves and priorities. In this new edition from P&R Publishing, James Boice highlights the dangers we face—dangers familiar to God’s people throughout the millennia—while offering practical, biblical wisdom and comfort for our sojourn. Using Augustine’s City of God as his form, Dr. Boice delivers encouragement to Christians attempting to live as faithful members of God’s kingdom in our crumbling culture.

Originally written in 1996, Two Cities, Two Loves is just as relevant today—calling Believers “above all to be Christians—that is, to be God’s people in the midst of this world’s culture.”

Purchase this timely edition for 30% off this month at As always, Alliance Friends receive free shipping.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

Mortification of Spin Releases Its 500th Episode

Back in 2013, Carl Trueman and Todd Pruitt launched Mortification of Spin, sharing a microphone in a small underground bunker, shooting the breeze as the British like to say. Their first episode, "Rock Star Pastors in Las Vegas," aired February 8, 2013, and received 502 plays. Some of their early guests included Steve Nichols, Derek Thomas, and author Simonetta Carr, the force behind another Alliance podcast Kids Talk Church History

All these years later, Carl and Todd no longer share a mic, but they're still going strong, celebrating their 500th first-run episode and over 2.8 million plays! Joining them for this momentous occasion are their good friends, Kevin DeYoung and Matt Eusey. After reminiscing about the early days, the conversation turns toward the importance of meaningful friendships. We encourage you to listen.

For best results, enjoy this special episode as a video podcast on YouTube or listen wherever you get your podcasts.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is pleased to offer a box of Mortification of Spin swag for our podcast fans. Register here for the opportunity to win.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

Listen to the podcasts on the Alliance YouTube Channel

Did you know the Alliance Podcast Network is now available on YouTube? You can listen to any of the Alliance podcasts on any device, including your Smart TV, media player, game console, phone, tablet, or computer. Additionally, you will find Alliance events, interviews, updates, and more on the channel. To subscribe, please visit and be sure to turn on notifications. On April 10 we will sharing a special video episode of Mortification of Spin—you won’t want to miss it!

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

The Holy Spirit with Robert Letham

Join us for the first Gap Bible Seminar of the spring semester, April 12-13, in Gap, PA. Robert Letham will teach four sessions on the Holy Spirit and His work in the Bible and today.

Robert is a Presbyterian minister with twenty-five years of pastoral experience. He was formerly a professor of Systematic and Historical Theology and now serves as a senior research fellow at the Union School of Theology in the UK. He is also an associate professor at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and a fellow in History and Theology at Greystone Theological Institute. He has written many books, including Systematic Theology, The Holy Trinity, and The Holy Spirit.

Registration is free of charge, so invite your family and friends. Learn more and register at

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

Do you enjoy listening to sermons by solid, Reformed preachers?

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals has a rich treasury of sermons from throughout our 75-year history. We want these messages to have maximum impact on the Church. One of our key goals is to construct a reliable and searchable database that is easily accessible to our supporters and listeners.

To that end, we are looking for volunteers to help us accomplish this project. Alliance Allies will listen to sermons, complete a simple review form, and return the form digitally or in a postage-paid envelope. That’s all there is to it! You get to listen to excellent messages from James Boice, Eric Alexander, and others. Any audio you review is yours to keep.

To learn more about becoming an Alliance Ally, email You can also begin the sign-up process by completing the online Alliance Ally form

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

Walking in the Old Paths

Jeremiah 6:16 says, “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it.

The messages from the 1993 Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology look at the “old paths” – what they must mean to us now and with a concern for our present responsibilities. Re-released with eight newly discovered messages from the pre-conference and conference workshops—this special 30th-anniversary set will surely bless your time as you listen.

The PCRT 1993 Anthology includes 15 messages from John Armstrong, James Boice, John Gerstner, Phillip Jensen, Roger Nicole, and J.I. Packer—see the complete index below.  Get all 15 messages on mp3 disc or download for 50% off this month at Reformed Resources.

Pre-Conference messages:

"The Unchanging Gospel" by James Boice - NEW

"Changing the Unchangeable" by Phillip Jensen - NEW

"Leadership that Leads" by Phillip Jensen - NEW

"Change for Change's Sake" by Phillip Jensen - NEW

"For Heaven's Sake, Don't Give Up" by James Boice - NEW


Plenary messages:

“The Three Theologies” by John Gerstner

“The Doctrines of Grace” by Roger Nicole

“Reformed Preaching” by Philip Jensen

“On to Holiness” by J.I. Packer

“Mind Renewal in a Mindless Age” by James Boice

“Soli Deo Gloria” by Phillip Jensen


Workshop messages:

"Reformation and Renewal" by John Armstrong - NEW

"Jonathan Edwards and the Great Awakening" by John Gerstner - NEW

"Grace in the Teachings of Jesus" by Roger Nicole

"True Spirituality" by J.I. Packer - NEW

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.