Seen & Heard Archives
The Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology can’t be stopped!
While PCRT was in Grand Rapids, Sunday morning arose to a thick glaze of ice covering cars and making travel hazardous.
Continue...Download the New App for The Bible Study Hour!
Download the brand new free app for The Bible Study Hour featuring the expository preaching of Dr. James Montgomery Boice. You have easy anytime, anywhere access to the broadcast and the Think and Act Biblically daily devotional right on your phone or tablet.
Continue...What Do You Know?
Answer: Whatever God decides to reveal to us, "in a manner appropriate for our creaturely capacity."
Continue...Rick Phillips's Revelation Commentary - Top 10!
Rick Phillips's Revelation commentary is one of the Top 10 commentaries of 2017! And while we are not all preaching week in and week out, we know Rev. Phillips is a wonderful Bible teacher and any serious student of the Word would do well having this volume.
Continue...The Rock Badgers Would Like a Word With Us
Trees talk, as do squirrels and stars. Danielle Spencer reminds us that all of creation rejoices in the sovereign care of Our Lord.