Seen & Heard Archives
Help Equip Believers to Stand Against the Tide
Alliance members like you advance God's Word to Believers across the world through the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals publishing.
Decades ago the Cambridge Declaration pointed to the decline of the evangelical church. That decline continues today and, many would argue, has only gotten worse. Secularism and pragmatism flood into churches and many less informed churchgoers hardly notice.
Continue...Sanctification: The Long Journey Home
Thoughtful Christians like you are standing up and demanding Biblical doctrine in it's most clear fashion, straight-forward tone, with no compromise to the world. If you've ever been to the Texas Hill Country Bible Conference, you have received it in all it's God glorifying ways!
Continue...A King Like No Other from The Christward Collective
A King Like No Other By Tim Brister
" Jesus is still on His throne. Jesus still hears the earnest prayers of His church. Whether in death or deliverance. Jesus will be glorified as sovereign King of a people who gladly put His worth on display through suffering for the sake of His name. Indeed, we have a King like no other... " The Christward Collective contributor, Tim Brister, covers the sovereignty of Christ. He sits on the thrones, He hears us, and He answers us.
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The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals has a long history. Much of its recent history has been on the Internet. The first AllianceNet was built in 1997, in 2005 and,, and just last year.
Go now to visit - Not just a facelift; it's all new!
Continue...Alliance Member Survey - Bribe included
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Resourcing the Church would not be possible without Alliance Members help. You see both the need in today's culture centric church and the value of Alliance resources. Your support keeps us sharing the Gospel!