Regardless of the kind of year you’ve had, Scripture teaches us to see all circumstances—good and bad—as an opportunity to give thanks (I Thessalonians 5:18). That’s easier said than done, however. How are we to spot these good and perfect gifts that have come down to us from the Father of Lights (James 1:16-18)?


As we all head into this Thanksgiving holiday, let us take time to reflect on all the Lord has given us in Christ. May we savor every blessing in this life, and those we wait for in the life to come, and let our thanksgiving be loud.


God's mercy is free to you only because it was withheld from Him Who needed no mercy – the sinless, perfect, glorious, beautiful Son of God. On the cross, Jesus was shown no mercy by His Father so that you could have all mercy.


It has not been uncommon, when disagreements among Christians arise, to hear someone accuse someone else of legalism. Of course, no one thinks that they’re a legalist; and, when the charge of legalism is leveled it is rarely accurate. However, legalism is a significant problem to be identified, avoided, and repented of when it is a reality in our lives. So what is legalism? And why is it so destructive?


If we remind ourselves that prayer is—as the Westminster divines believed—pleading with God, we remind ourselves of our own desperate spiritual need and the urgency of our walking closely with the Lord every day.