It should be said of all Christians that we desire to live faithfully unto to the Lord and also bear much fruit as His disciples. However, the sphere of our fruitfulness does not depend on our ability—or does it? The tension between divine sovereignty and human responsibility is one that has constituted many debates throughout church history. While it is important to discuss and debate these matters, it is vastly more important for us to understand how it impacts our practical Christian living.


We are united to the One who has pronounced us clean because He Himself was numbered with us, the unclean, outside the city, outside the temple, banished from God’s presence. We will dwell in the house of the Lord forever (Ps 23:6), his cosmos-engrossing temple, because we have been sprinkled clean by the great High Priest’s blood.


God the Father does not love me because of Jesus. He has loved His elect from before the foundation of the world; therefore, He chose them in Christ. He demonstrated that love by sending His Son to die for them when they were ungodly, without strength, sinful and enemies (Romans 5:6-11).


Everyone is seeking satisfaction in created things or experiences--whether it is a person, a job, money, status, music, family, etc. We are all seeking satisfaction. The reality is that God has created us to find satisfaction in Himself alone--the fountain of living water. In order to cure us of our idolatrous pleasure seeking, God became Man and thirsted under the wrath of God that we deserve so that we might come to Him by faith and drink of the living waters than never run dry. Jesus is an infinite fountain of soul-satisfying grace. We must learn to come to Him--and to that fountain of living water--again and again. It is only as we do so that we will find an "object still more alluring" than that with which we are now seeking to satify ourselves.


“You therefore must be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Matt. 5:48). But you cry, “I am not perfect. I am a sinner! I cannot be perfect." That is precisely the reason why God sent His son Jesus Christ into this world and onto the cross. That is why God calls you today to “repent and believe for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand” (4:17).