Posts by Jason Helopoulos


I for one, have been converted. My books will still occupy my desk (I still like to be surrounded by my "friends") but Logos is a tool worth having and using. 


A good Assistant Pastor can be one of the greatest blessings a local church enjoys or one of its greatest struggles. He possesses the ability to support or divide, build or teardown, encourage or discourage. He will be a help or a detriment--one or the other--a drain on the energies of the church and the Senior Pastor or one of their greatest refreshments. If you are a good one, keep at it. If you are looking for one, choose carefully. If you have one, thank him.


Every Christian heart cries, "Give me more of Christ." We long to see Him. David said, "One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek after, that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord" (Psalm 27:4). When Peter sees the glory of the Lord on the Mount of Transfiguration, he believes he has arrived. There is nothing left on his "bucket list;" he is ready to camp out and stay for all eternity. The saint longs to see the glory of Christ. And the greater the longing, the more mature the saint. He knows that there is nothing better.


As Calvin so helpfully observed, our faith is "slight and feeble." It needs to be propped up on every side. If we neglect the means that God has given for this very thing, we will be tempted to find other means, and they will always be far less satisfying.


Marriage can be painful--and Christian marriage is no exception. When two sinners are in a relationship as intimate as marriage, there is bound to be some measure of hurt. Our flesh will balk at the demands of self-sacrifice, service, and humility affecting one another for ill. There will be sins committed, wounds aggravated, and injuries inflicted. The extent will vary with each relationship. Some will be more challenging than others, but every Christian marriage experiences some pain.